How did we come to own IT-Clips?
My husband saw IT Clips around the year 2009 in an outdoor outfitter in Houston, Texas and never forgot about the idea. Earlier this year while commuting by bicycle to work he needed a tie down in order to haul a few extra materials to his office. That evening he dreamt about IT-Clips he saw many years ago in while living Texas. He looked up the product and could only find a couple of sets on eBay, he bought all of them and wanted a few more for other applications. He then found the website and emailed the business only to find out that the business was basically shut down and if he was interested in buying the business then he could make an offer. We talked it over and I decided that I wanted to buy and run the business from home as we were expecting another child. The rest is history.

Keep your bicycle inner tubes out of the landfill by turning them into tie downs or bungee cords
Millions of bicycle inner tubes end up in the landfill every year in the USA alone, IT Clips help you keep your tubes out of the landfill by turning your inner tubes into tie downs or bungee cords. Less waste, makes cycling even more sustainable, creating a better world where our children will want to live.
At IT Clips we you know you are the kind of people who want to make the world a better place. In order to do this we have to decrease our waste, open our minds and be creative to find new ways to use what we once thought was trash. The problem is millions of bicycle inner tubes end up in the landfill every year, making biking, a green activity a little more destructive than it has to be, making us feel that we can do better. We understand that you want to create less waste. That is why we created IT Clips, so together we can create a better, more sustainable world.